The Condensate Blog
Experiences, interviews, and technical dialogue.
5 Common Myths or Misconceptions about Climate Battery Greenhouses
With all of the information floating around on the internet about climate batteries, how can you separate the signal from the noise? Join us for a discussion on 5 of the most common misconceptions we see surrounding climate batteries.
Sources of Free Heat in a Climate Battery Greenhouse
Discover some sources of free heat in your climate battery greenhouse. What is “free” heat? Read on to find out more
Climate Battery Design Comparison - Why Design Matters
Does the design of a climate battery really matter? Don’t all designs work pretty well? Let’s dig in and find out.
The Case for a (Mostly) Passive Solar Greenhouse
Wherein we discuss and make a case that a passive solar greenhouse with a little added energy goes a long way.
Climate Batteries Featured on ABC27 News
We were honored to be recently featured on ABC27 News discussing our two climate battery greenhouses and the value of the technology.